Terraform Workspaces
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Introduction Terraform workspaces allow you to use different Terraform state files in the same directory. This allows you do have dif...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Introduction Terraform workspaces allow you to use different Terraform state files in the same directory. This allows you do have dif...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Introduction This guide will show how to use S3 as backend and DynamoDB to control the lock in Terraform. When Terraform runs, it cr...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Introduction In this guide, we are going to create EC2 instances using Auto Scaling groups (ASG). The EC2 instances will run a very s...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Installing Terraform Covered in: Installing Terraform on Ubuntu 24.04 Setup the AWS cretendials There are at least 2 options that w...
@pytest.mark.parametrize example Used to pass more than one case to a test. The next example is to test a funcion that validates the string conforms to the Juniper naming convention. We expect ...
ThreadPoolExecutor The code creates a ThreadPoolExecutor as a Context Manager. It then uses .map() which takes a function and an iterable of things. .map() steps through an iterable of things, i...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. System This guide is based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ubuntu@ip-XXX-XX-XX-XXX:~$ cat /etc/*release* DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=24.04...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Pre-requisites Have Docker installed on the Docker Manager Node and all Worker Nodes Refer to Install Docker Engine on ...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Types of networks in Docker Bridge - This is the default network the Containerd are attached to. The default one is in the 172.17....
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Docker Filesystem /var/lib/docker containers image volumes ... ls -l /var/lib/docker ubuntu@ip-XXX-XX-XX-XXX:~$ sudo ls -...