Git cleaning commit history in GitHub
Pre-requisites Clone the repo from GitHub to any local computer or server 1. Backup the hidden .git folder From the local copy of the repo, create a backup of the hidden .git file in the top fol...
Pre-requisites Clone the repo from GitHub to any local computer or server 1. Backup the hidden .git folder From the local copy of the repo, create a backup of the hidden .git file in the top fol...
Introduction Traceroute probes each Router in the path to the target IP address by making every Router in the path reply with a ICMP Time Exceeded (Type 11) – time to live exceeded intransit (Code...
1. Download & Install VMWare Workstation 17 Pro It is now free. See VMware Workstation Pro: Now Available Free for Personal Use You will need a Broadcom account, which is also free. Here you ...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Bounce interfaces every certain time The following bash script can be used to bounce one or more interfaces every certain time. The t...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. While building this Dockerfile Dockerfilecat FROM ubuntu:20.04 RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade RUN apt-get in...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Introduction FRR is free software that implements and manages various IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols. It runs on nearly all distri...
I use IPython quite often to validate my code and ensure that it is going to work the way I intended. There is something I don’t like from IPython though and that is its autocomplete feature. Most...
NOTE: Running Python 3.10.5 and IPython 8.22.2 in my environment when I created this post. Reverse a String the Pythonic way Reverse a String (str) in Python is very, very… very simple. Here w...
Error message: operation error DynamoDB: PutItem, https response error StatusCode: 400 Error cloud_user@553b1e446c1c:~/terraform_file_isolation/data-store$ terraform plan ╷ │ Error: Error acqui...
NOTE: All configurations were taken from a lab environment. Introduction In this post we will be creating 2 isolated resources in AWS, a webserver (and EC2 instance) and a data-store (and RDS i...